MontyMonty is a blue merle Cardigan Welsh Corgi. He weighs 30 pounds and is DM and PRA clear. He has many US Champions in his pedigree and will add a heavier, shorter bone. We are obsessed with his big paws and soulful eyes. Monty is a very special addition for us. His pedigree can be traced back to our very first sire, Merlin! We know his bloodline inside and out. He has such a gentle heart and wants nothing more than to please his people and to go get a pup cup.
RomeoRomeo is a sable bluie Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He weighs 33 pounds and is DM, EIC, VWD1 clear and carries the fluffy gene. Romeo is aptly named as he is a true ladies' man. This guy loves getting attention from everyone, while his little tail nub goes a million miles an hour in true Pembroke fashion! He is a chill guy who would rather be on the couch right next to you. With such a perfect demeanor along with his short and stocky build, his puppies are as fantastic as he is.
RubyRuby is a Cardigan Welsh Corgi that is black and white with brindle points. She is DM, PRA Clear and also carries the fluffy gene. She weighs 29 pounds. Her Sire is a Russian import with many international champions in his pedigree. She grumbles happily anytime you scratch her chest, and her favorite of all time is a good belly rub. She adores our youngest and is one of the most loyal dogs we've ever been around. She has started our obsession with this outstanding breed. If you are looking for a Corgi to watch over your kids as well lay at your feet and follow you around all day, Ruby's puppies fit that bill.
PumpkinPumpkin is a sable Cardigan Welsh Corgi. She is DM Carrier, PRA Clear, and does not carry the fluffy gene. This girl is short, compact, and has wonderful structure. She weighs 29 pounds. Pumpkin is very bold, brave, and unbothered by new situations or people. She loves to carry on "conversations" with us and makes a wide variety of adorable noises. We are enamored by the sound of her tail thumping anytime you so much as look in her direction and look forward to the confident and people-oriented Cardigan puppies she will have here.
ReyRey is a Cardigan Welsh Corgi that is black and white with brindle points that weighs in at 30 pounds. She is DM, PRA Clear and also carries the fluffy gene. Rey's Sire is an import from Belarus with many international champions in his pedigree. She is very heavily boned with a gorgeous show structure and plush coat - definitely following in his footsteps. Rey is happiest being with her people and loves to be held like a baby. She is mild mannered, affectionate, a great listener, and a wonderful representation of the Cardigan breed.
MercyMercy is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi that is red and white. She is DM, EIC clear, VWD1, bluie, and fluffy carrier. She is a natural bobtail, weighs 23 pounds and is indeed short and built like a tiny tank. She is out of our wonderful girl Izzy who is now retired, and a male not owned by us named Smokey. Her flashy looks get her attention everywhere she goes. She is extremely people oriented and does not know a stranger. Mercy is the kind of dog you can take everywhere and is the life of the party, true to the Pembroke nature.
VelvetVelvet is a black and white with very minimal brindle points Cardigan Welsh Corgi. She is DM and PRA clear and weighs 29 pounds. Velvet loves all of the other Corgis, and she loves nothing more than to play—for a little while, at least. She is much happier lounging about and is your typical very low energy Cardigan. Velvet is our resident princess and is very lady like in everything that she does. She is very agreeable and everyone who meets her loves her.
SonoraSonora is a brindle Cardigan Welsh Corgi. She is DM Carrier and PRA clear and weighs 27 pounds. Sonora is Velvet's sister and littermate. Sonora is very smart and is a quick learner. She is a quiet girl who likes to sit back and observe everyone around her. She is a bit more reserved with new people but once you earn her trust, you have her heart forever. One of her favorite things is to be groomed and once you are done, will place her head on your shoulder for a hug.
GalaxyGalaxy is a bluie (dilute) harlequin blue merle American Corgi (Cardigan x Pembroke cross) with two blue eyes that genetically tests as 100% Pembroke Welsh Corgi. She is DM, EIC, VWD1 clear, bluie affected, and carries the fluffy gene. She weighs 29 pounds and is put together just how a low rider should be. She is our homegrown daughter out of our retired Porter and Eclipse. We can't get enough of her plethora of grumbles and "roos". She is very levelheaded, incredibly smart and easy to train, and does not have a mean bone in her body. She loves to cuddle with us and our other Corgis. Galaxy is the epitome of what we strive to produce here in our puppies.
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